Tips to save time, energy and money by making your life much easier but beautiful.
If you want to have better skin, you can use a few make-up tips to make it at home and by yourself.
1. Cinnamon and peppermint essential oils are ideal for making lips plumper and brighter. If you don’t want to use them pure you can just put a few drops on your lip gloss.
2. To remove make-up, coconut and olive oil are great.
3. If you want a bright and fresh effect on the face, apply a little cream on the nose, cheekbones, chin and the center of the forehead
4. If you want a great natural face peel, just mix a tablespoon of baking soda into your face gel or cleansing milk. Apply it on the face, massage it gently for a few seconds and then rinse it with warm water. This should be repeated 2-3 times a week.
5. Do you have dry mascara? Add a few drops of saline solution or place the container in a bowl full of hot water for at least 5 minutes.
6. Don’t throw away broken powder makeup. With a few drops of alcohol, compacting it and smoothing the powder with a knife, letting it dry overnight you will have a new ready-to-use makeup (and the alcohol will evaporate).
7. Eliminate split ends without a hairdresser? Just twist the hair and cut the excess.
8. Perfect eyebrows? Spray a little hairspray on an old mascara and wipe it over.
9. Powdered corn starch is great as a dry shampoo when you need to tone your hair but don’t have time to wash it.
10. If you apply a pinch of your skincare cream to the ends of your hair, it will make them shiny and smooth like never before.
11. When applying nail polish, use petroleum jelly or glue stick around the nails. Excess nail polish will come off easily when dry.
12. If you want to make the perfume last longer, first pass a pinch of Vaseline on your skin. It works miracles.
13. Panic pimples: do not worry. Prepare some cotton balls dipped in eye drops and placed in the freezer. Once pulled out, gently press them on the pimple: in 20 minutes the inflammation will disappear.
14. Do you want to make your nails grow quickly? Take a bowl and dissolve 2 aspirins, a vitamin capsule, a tablespoon of sea salt and a tablespoon of oil in 200ml of water. Soak your hands for 10 minutes and then pat dry with a paper towel. You will see what a result!